
Parenting and Children

Books to help kids with divorce

My daughter, who is almost ten now, loves to read. Often times when it’s quiet around the house, I’ll go from room to room looking for her and find her curled up with a book on the corner of the … Read More

Kids schedules made easier live for divorced parents

It’s no secret that when school starts back up again, life suddenly gets chaotic. Not only is there school all day, five days a week, but all the kids’ activities start back up again and we wonder why we signed … Read More

resources for divorced

Resources for divorced parents and kids

Getting divorced is hard on everyone involved, especially your kids. The actual process can be long and drawn out, but there’s hope that once the divorce is finalized, everything will be okay right away. The truth is that getting a … Read More

Last days of summer how to make them count

The first day of school is always exciting and fun, but also bittersweet. It means no more sleeping in and spending long afternoons at the pool and no more late nights gathered around a campfire laughing with friends and eating … Read More

A Child of Divorce & My Quest to Make Things Better for My Child

Here is an interview I conducted on HuffPost Live talking about growing up as a child of divorce. The truth is that my parents spent hundreds of thousands of dollars when it came to their divorce – yet there were days where … Read More

45 Life Lessons + 5 to grow on

I found this article many years ago and still refer to it regularly to remind me of the important things Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio “To celebrate growing older, I once … Read More

5 Days It Really Sucks to be a Single Parent

No one ever said being a single parent was easy. I guess I am luckier than most, because in some ways, I was raised for this role. My mom was a single parent who raised 3 children – with little … Read More

We Need More Single Father Role Models

Where are the positive father stories? Why aren’t there more positive stories about divorced or single fathers who are involved in their child(ren)’s lives? We constantly hear stories of fathers who abandon their children and walk away from their responsibilities. … Read More

The Irony of Divorce with Children

Divorce doesn’t make it easier. One of the first questions I’m asked when someone finds out that I am a single mother is “why did you divorce?” This question is common to anyone who has a child and is no … Read More

Child Support Doesn’t End at 18

Although many people believe that child support ends at the age of 18 recent US Census data shows that 21.6 million members of the “Millennial Generation” (ages 18-31) lived in their parents’ home in 2012. More Adults Living At Home … Read More