
Parenting and Children

Don’t miss out, SupportPay

As a parent I am always bragging about my kid. I love to tell others of her accomplishments. I get so excited when she gets an award, make the honor roll, or score the winning point in a game! When … Read More

New day, fresh start

Making new years resolutions or goals can be a fun family activity that can be done anytime. After finishing up the new version of SupportPay I felt like I needed a reboot so here are my thoughts on goals.  It can be … Read More

What will happen after divorce

If you think after the divorce is final its all going to be easier, here’s a reality check.. it won’t! Now I am not saying that is true for everyone I just wish someone would have told me how hard it … Read More

Life and balance as a single parent

One of the hardest things about sharing time with your kids with your ex is the simple fact that it means you get less time with your kids. There are so many demands on your kids’ time… school, sports, activities, … Read More

Holidays made happy

Thanksgiving is coming up quickly and it signals the beginning of the whole holiday season. The holidays can be a rough time for divorced parents and their kids. This time of year comes with lots of traditions and expectations. And when you’re … Read More

Tips on making holiday transitions easier

As adults, we deal with transitions all day long even on holiday season. We wake up with little kids climbing on us, demanding breakfast and we quickly transition from dead asleep to happily making breakfast and packing backpacks. We drop … Read More

Our customers are our kids

When I first created SupportPay, I wanted to create an easy-to-use online system that would help parents communicate and coordinate child support payments and other info as it relates to co-parenting. When I started building a company, SupportPay, to support … Read More

How to get back 80 days of your life

When you get divorced, you often wish you could cut ties with your ex completely. But if you have kids, that’s not usually in anyone’s best interest. Ironically, most couples who get divorced struggle with communication… and communication becomes even … Read More

Four ideas for creating a special bond as a single parent

The bond between parent and child is a strong one… if you nurture it. When you don’t have your kids all the time because you’re sharing custody, it can feel harder to nurture that bond. The good news is that … Read More

Facts about joint custody that you didn’t know

When you have kids and you get divorced, part of the divorce settlement will include custody of the kids. It may seem straightforward in terms of custody, full custody means one parent has the children all the time and joint … Read More

Our Fall Traditions

Fall is here! Well, living in California, fall really doesn’t make much of an entrance. The weather changes ever so slightly and the months change names. But even though it doesn’t look like fall around here, there are plenty of … Read More

Books to help kids with divorce

My daughter, who is almost ten now, loves to read. Often times when it’s quiet around the house, I’ll go from room to room looking for her and find her curled up with a book on the corner of the … Read More

Kids schedules made easier live for divorced parents

It’s no secret that when school starts back up again, life suddenly gets chaotic. Not only is there school all day, five days a week, but all the kids’ activities start back up again and we wonder why we signed … Read More

resources for divorced

Resources for divorced parents and kids

Getting divorced is hard on everyone involved, especially your kids. The actual process can be long and drawn out, but there’s hope that once the divorce is finalized, everything will be okay right away. The truth is that getting a … Read More

Last days of summer how to make them count

The first day of school is always exciting and fun, but also bittersweet. It means no more sleeping in and spending long afternoons at the pool and no more late nights gathered around a campfire laughing with friends and eating … Read More