
SupportPay for Consultants

Flexible, Affordable Caregiving Benefits.

Offer your clients an innovative solution that produces immediate ROI, supports financial & mental wellness and adds inclusivity & diversity to their organization


Deliver More of What
Employers Want

A Robust Solution for your
Client's Wellness Needs

SupportPay offers a comprehensive suite of enterprise caregiver tools that meets the needs of every organization.
Our care model is supported by robust market research and sees consistently high utilization and brand recognition.

Pay and receive caregiving, child support, alimony, & other shared expenses

Easily schedule, manage & modify custody, visitation & parenting time

Upload, scan, share and store receipts with your mobile device

Communicate and store conversations with other family members

Review, dispute and resolve financial disagreements directly in the platform

Retain court-certified records of your expense, payment & chat history

A Comprehensive Approach to Care

Increase Productivity

Mitigate productivity losses by helping employees retain focus & eliminate workplace errors during the workday

Reduce Absenteeism

Reduce absenteeism arising from financial, legal & health complications related to family conflicts

Added Security

Protect company security with tools that keep discoverable communications off company servers

Be an Industry Leader

Demonstrate an innovative commitment to employee well-being through their unique life challenges

A Solution for the Modern Workplace Problem

Significant life events not only effect the employee, but also impacts coworkers, management, and the bottom line.

0 %
Decline in Health & Well-Being
0 %
Lost Productivity
for 1+ Years
0 %
Decrease in Job
0 %

Be a thought leader by offering an innovative & unique benefit that supports your working parents through all life events!

Want to Know More?

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