
Child Support Agreement


What Is Child Support?

It’s a fundamental question – what is child support? We here at SupportPay talk a lot about child support, how to track it, and how to pay it. But I think sometimes we need to start at the very beginning of this … Read More

How to Collect Child Support

It’s not a question we like to hear, but it’s one that comes up often – what do I do if I haven’t received, and you’re looking to collect, child support? The truth is, there are many options available to … Read More

What To Do If You’re Behind on Paying Child Support

There are many ways in which parents can get tangled up in the child support process and on paying child support. Whether it is long court sessions, mediation, complicated laws, or problems with tracking child support payments, we understand that … Read More

5 More Questions About Child Support

We tend to get more than 5 questions about child support that we hear often, so we thought we’d do another edition to help better answer all the questions we’re receiving. Again, this was a problem that motivated our founder … Read More

Top 4 Things You Missed When Calculating Child Support

Top 5 Questions About Child Support

We get questions about child support all the time – whether its the best way to pay your bills, or who is responsible, or how much you have to pay, we understand that learning everything about the process can be … Read More

Stop Paying Child Support

The bills are numerous, the money is tight. Month by month you watch things add up and wonder where all the money goes. So many obligations, and so many “extras” that are hard to account for, when will it ever … Read More


What happens After the child support order?

Your divorce is processed and you have a child expenses order or agreement. The hardest part of your divorce process is over and you are ready to move on with your life. Or so you think! Managing your child support The … Read More

Top 4 Things You Missed When Calculating Child Support

Top 4 Things You Missed When Calculating Child Support

When it comes to getting divorced or ending a relationship with the parent of your child there is a lot going on. From getting used to a new living situation to dividing assets most of the time, energy and effort goes … Read More

Child Support Guidelines – Part 1

As confusing and volatile as the child support process can be, there guidelines that you can reference to make sure you aren’t missing anything. Some steps may need to be revisited at times depending on how everything shakes out. In … Read More

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Child Support

It is always good to know what you don’t know. I find it refreshing to hear someone tell me something new. I want to then share it with others. In the sea of child support craziness, there is probably so … Read More

child support

Child Support Orders and SupportPay

The ease of SupportPay is something that we pride ourselves on. Child Support Orders and SupportPay want this system to be simple to use and create a chaos-free shared child support tool. SupportPay will store all of your documents so … Read More

Feature Friday, Child Support Changes

So what happens when your situation changes? Or when your child’s situation changes?  This weeks Feature Friday,  Child Support Changes and when theyneed to be looked at.  #SPfeaturefriday will answer just that. There are many possible scenarios, such as a change in … Read More

Tips on how to Modify a Child Support Order

We get so many questions from parents that need a modification to their support order. Many people these days are having trouble either making child support payments or caring for their children on their existing child support because of a change in … Read More


4 things single parents Must have in their agreement

When lack of communication and differences in money management lead to relationship breakdown, the easy solution is to jump ship and make and agreement. When children are in the mix though, those very things that may have led you down … Read More

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Separating assets in a divorce

When you’re getting divorced, nothing is easy. Every step of the way brings new complications and challenges. One of the biggest struggles in any divorce, besides custody and visitation rights concerning your children, is how to divide your assets. There … Read More