
Divorce and Separation

Child Support & the Government Shutdown

With the government shutdown now being the longest in history we are getting a lot of questions regarding the government shutdown and child support. There is a lot of talk about federal employees not being paid but very little mention … Read More

How to Successfully Manage Co-Parenting Conflict

How to Successfully Manage Co-Parenting Conflict Raising a child from separate homes is no easy task. While both parents have the common goal of raising healthy, happy and successful children, it’s often how each person goes about parenting that ends … Read More


How A Single Mom Can Make Managing Child Support Easier

Single working moms have one of the hardest jobs in the world. They work long hours, have to make sure kids eat their vegetables, and get to school on time and finish their homework. Not to mention the stresses of … Read More

Rules to make co-parenting after a divorce easier

Adjusting to co-parenting after a divorce can be challenging. Your relationship as a couple is over, but you have to find a way to continue your relationship as parents for the sake of your children. Creating some rules for your new relationship … Read More

Divorce settlements: Custody details you mustn’t forget

In a contentious divorce (or even a peaceful one, for that matter), it may be tempting to just get it done and over with. But custody arrangements are not something to rush. There are countless details involved with the raising of children, … Read More

5 Life Hacks for Co-Parents

Technology is everywhere – and let’s face it, we use it for practically everything. Even those of us who have tried to cut the cord have gotten to the point where we can’t live without our devices or the Internet. … Read More

Do We Need All These Child Support Laws? (From Divorce Mag)

(This article was first published in Divorce Mag and can be read in full here). As with any institution that governs behaviors and responsibilities, child support laws were created and designed to make sure that a parent fulfills their obligations to their biological … Read More

We Help Parents Raise Children Together – Even When Separated

A bitter divorce – it’s unfortunate, but it happens. And it happens even when we don’t plan on it. SupportPay’s founder, Sheri Atwood, is a child of a bitter divorce. She understands from firsthand experience how trying bitter divorces can … Read More

The One Thing That Will Make Child Support Easier

Crying kids. Stacks of bills. Not knowing what to make for dinner. A never ending work schedule. Sound like your life? You’re not alone. Millions of Americans are in the same boat, working to feed their families and maintain a … Read More

Going Through A Divorce? Here’s How to Make it Easier

Divorce is never easy. Even for the couples that are both understanding of the fact that it may be the best decision, there are dozens of factors that make it difficult for any couple. Not to mention that very often, … Read More

How to Save Money On A Divorce

It goes without saying that too often a divorce can be bitter, messy affairs. You can see the images in your mind already – shouting ex wives, husbands slamming doors, lawyers at each other’s throats on the phone. And divorce … Read More

You can still have a good relationship with your ex after divorce

There are no two ways about it – divorce is a hard, trying experience. Even for couples who are desperate to end their relationship, there are plenty of difficulties that get in the way. Sharing property, history, and a host … Read More

How to share Parenting when you are divorced

It may not always sound like a fairy tale ending, but there is an adult way to end a relationship should the romance fizzle or the connection evaporate. It’s an unfortunate part of growing up – but we can grow … Read More

A Child Support Law You Need To Know About

If you’re a father in Iowa paying child support, or many states across the nation, and you’re separated but not divorced, you may want to pay close attention to what we’re about to tell you. If you’re legally married, but … Read More


What is a Separation Agreement?

A Separation Agreement is an arrangement on all the issues you and your spouse need to resolve before getting divorced, such as the division of marital property (assets and debts), child custody, visitation and support issues, and Temporary Maintenance and … Read More