

How to Be a Good Co-Parent, If You Don’t Get Along with Your Ex

Wouldn’t it be nice if every divorce ended peacefully and amicably? Where two parents sharing the responsibility of a child could co-parent easily, without drama or hassle? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was an easy way to handle child support? Well, the … Read More

Rules to make co-parenting after a divorce easier

Adjusting to co-parenting after a divorce can be challenging. Your relationship as a couple is over, but you have to find a way to continue your relationship as parents for the sake of your children. Creating some rules for your new relationship … Read More

Co-Parenting During the Flu Season: What You Can Do

It’s that time of year – the leaves are changing, the days are getting shorter and the wind is getting colder. And it’s almost the time when kids go back to school – which means it’s time for another thing … Read More

Why You Should Make a Co-Parenting Plan

You’ve gone through the divorce. You’ve seen the lawyers, made the proper financial arrangements – and even ended everything on good terms. Now you’re faced with the next big question – how do you raise your child as a co-parent? … Read More

3 Strategies for Shared Parenting

Missouri governor Jay Nixon currently has a bill on his desk regarding shared parenting and parental equality after divorce. If he signs it, Missouri will join the list of states with child custody laws supportive of children experiencing the continued … Read More

How to share Parenting when you are divorced

It may not always sound like a fairy tale ending, but there is an adult way to end a relationship should the romance fizzle or the connection evaporate. It’s an unfortunate part of growing up – but we can grow … Read More


Are You Paying For That?

There are two sides to every coin, and the co-parenting coin is a tough one to flip. Splitting up is hard enough without having to decide who pays for what. One parent is usually the paying parent, giving money to … Read More

Co-parenting resolutions for 2016

92% of parents who are involved pay child support. Are you involved? Do you pay? Do you want to be an involved parent? Do you wish your ex was involved? Here are the top 5 ways to keep each other … Read More


What Is Child Support?

It’s a fundamental question – what is child support? We here at SupportPay talk a lot about child support, how to track it, and how to pay it. But I think sometimes we need to start at the very beginning of this … Read More


It is said that the number 1 predictor of how children will do when their parents get divorced, is how well the parents get along. It may sound like a foreign concept to get along with your ex. After all, … Read More

Financial Health for Kids

Parents are very busy teaching their children to mind their manners, do good in school, be good athletes, and try their best. There is a lot of focus on academics, sports and extracurricular activities. We keep our kids very busy. … Read More

How to Help Your Kids Handle Stress

Life can be pretty stressful. We know as adults that stress is just a part of life. Divorce, separation, life change, learning to juggle child support, children, schedules…everything contributes pretty high on the stress scale. It is understandable that the … Read More

Child Support Awareness Month

August in National Child Support Awareness Month. It’s a national initiative to help inform families about child support and the services that are available to help them. Studies have shown time and time again that when both parents are actively … Read More

9 Steps to Successful Co-parenting

Co-parenting is a parenting partnership that requires communication and cooperation. These two things probably don’t come easy to a couple who has divorced. The marriage might be over, but the family is not. In order to co-parent effectively, each parent … Read More

Child support, what is it really?

Child Support Technicalities Child Support is such a loaded term. What does it actually mean? What does it legally entail? Many people see child support as the Webster’s defined term, which is the amount of money that the non-custodial parent … Read More