
Custody and Visitation

Collecting Back Child Support After Your Kids Turn 18: What You Need to Know

Collecting Back Child Support After Your Kids Turn 18: What You Need to Know.

It’s a common misconception that once your children turn 18, your ex-spouse no longer has any financial obligations, especially when it comes to unpaid child support. However, in most states, there’s no statute of limitations on collecting back child support. … Read More

The Biggest Ignored Population: Single & Divorced Parents – Why Is It Taboo?

Understanding the Biggest Ignored Population: Single and Divorced Parents

The Biggest Ignored Population: Single & Divorced Parents – Why Is It Taboo? In recent years, there has been significant progress in diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives within the workplace. Organizations are increasingly embracing race, gender, and sexual orientation as … Read More

Co-Parenting with a Narcissistic Ex-Partner: Strategies for Success.

Co-Parenting with a Narcissistic Ex-Partner: Strategies for Success.

Co-Parenting with a Narcissistic Ex-Partner: Strategies for Success Co-parenting with an ex-partner who exhibits narcissistic traits can be particularly challenging. Narcissistic individuals often create high-conflict environments that strain relationships and impact the well-being of everyone involved. To effectively co-parent in … Read More


10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Kids During a Divorce

Navigating Divorce: What Not to Say to Your Kids and Your Former Spouse Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging chapter in one’s life, and it becomes even more intricate when children are involved. As parents going through a divorce, the way … Read More

What You Should Know About Pet Custody

When a couple decides to end their relationship, one of the most challenging aspects is often the custody of their pets. Unlike children, pets are considered property in the eyes of the law, so pet custody can be a complex … Read More

financial conflict

What causes financial conflict in marriages and how to prevent it

Written By: Lyle David Solomon Far too often money-related issues cause conflict in marriages. While roughly half of marriages overall end in divorce, money issues could last through separation and be a post-marital problem. We all could experience financial issues at … Read More

What To Do When You’ve Been Accused of Domestic Violence

This article was contributed by: Nick Wooldridge – Partner/Content Writer Nick Wooldridge is one of the most recognized names among Las Vegas criminal defenders. Fierce both in a courtroom and board room, Mr. Wooldridge is eager to ready to provide … Read More

Wellness at Home: Understanding the Essentials Wellness at Home: Understanding the Essentials A healthy home is a happy home. Just as you want to put so much effort (and money) on creating a beautiful and inviting home, it is equally important to keep your space … Read More

Anxious Co parent

4 Tips for an Anxious Co-Parent

4 Tips for an Anxious Co-Parent Every family wants to have their own happy ending. Sadly, life isn’t always fair, and some marriages end with a divorce and you need to start a co-parent process. As you embark on a … Read More

Understanding How Child Custody Is Determined

This article was contributed by: Sam Mazella – Marketing Director Website: Understanding How Child Custody Is Determined While it’s best for divorced or separated parents to settle child custody issues out-of-court, that is not always the case. There are times … Read More

Visitation Rights – What You Need to Know

Visitation rights – it’s something that comes up in nearly all child support cases involving divorce or separation. But what exactly is visitation, and how is it managed? To break it down, visitation rights for fathers or mothers simply refers … Read More

Why Child Support Should Be About More Than Just Money

After a divorce, child support can be a conflict-ridden process. It’s not uncommon that once loving, kind spouses turn hostile and seek to get everything they can from the deal, ripping their relationship apart. So typically, parents drift away and … Read More

Co-parenting resolutions for 2016

92% of parents who are involved pay child support. Are you involved? Do you pay? Do you want to be an involved parent? Do you wish your ex was involved? Here are the top 5 ways to keep each other … Read More

5 More Questions About Child Support

We tend to get more than 5 questions about child support that we hear often, so we thought we’d do another edition to help better answer all the questions we’re receiving. Again, this was a problem that motivated our founder … Read More

A Brief Overview of Child Support Laws

It may come as a surprise to many, but child support laws are not a new phenomenon in the United States. Since the very founding of our nation, child support laws were baked into constitutional and colonial laws. It was … Read More