
Behind on Child Support? Get Financially Fit

importance of managing child support payments accurately

We’re halfway through 2016 now – and its time to take a good hard look at your finances. This means take out those receipts, your subscriptions, and the bills, and put your fingers to the keys and bust out the calculator. And are you paying child support – or happen to be behind in paying it? Then we can help.

Many parents who have to pay child support get behind in payments for a variety of reasons. The stigma of “dead-beat dad” is too often attributed to good parents who simply don’t have an easy, routine way to make child support payments. Think about it – everything today is automated. Car payments. Subscriptions to online vendors. Loans. Credit card payments. But with child support, there never seems to be an easy way to make payments automated. And as a result, many parents miss one, two, or six months of payments, and completely forget that they owe back child support because they are working long hours with little breaks. And depending on the state you’re in, we understand how difficult it can be. Paying child support support in California, for example, can be a mess if you don’t know the proper procedure.

SupportPay is a simple, smart solution. Whether you are making child support payments of receiving them, our newest SupportPay 4.0 product is going to help you automate, track, and manage all elements of your child support. By trying it out today, you can see how easy it is to use and make a part of your routine. This way, you will no longer have to worry about paying on time or missing payments. You will have everything right within our system. This is why we designed SupportPay – to make sure that parents have the free time, without the stress, to take care of their children without the worry of missing support payments.

We have a variety of offerings and payments types at low starter rates. Try it today and start being financially fit.

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