
Summering as a Single Parent

It’s August, and it’s possible that your kids are already back in school. But for those single parents who still have their children for another few weeks or a month, you may be looking for ways to get some more legroom out of the hot summer days.

  1. Make Time For Yourself – Really this is about planning ahead. Most parents don’t have the luxury – or time – to sit down and plan their months in advance. But we recommend at least finding a way to put together weekend plans that are just time for yourself. This includes letting your kids know when you are setting aside time for yourself – whether its with friends, movies, or a glass of wine.
  2. Go outdoors – If you like being outside, whether its hiking, mountain biking, jet skiis, etc – bring the kids along. Even fun weekend trips to somewhere more remote is a good way to spend the summer by simply relaxing and getting away from daily stress. Plus, you still have a month or two of great weather. Make it count.
  3. Child support and sharing duties – If you’re on good terms with your ex, this is a perfect time to share childcare responsibilities. And if you’re already sharing parenting expenses, then sharing time should be a part of the equation. If the ex isn’t an option, find ways to babysit your friend’s kids, and then schedule time to do the same. By sharing responsibilities you allow yourself more free time during the long summer months.
  4. Think about camps and other weeklong activities – Kids love camps. At least, most kids do. So if yours are interested – and budget permits – camps are a great way to wring out the summer and allow them to do activities and learn skills they otherwise wouldn’t.
  5. Don’t be afraid of digital, but know when to go dark – Yes, it’s very, very important to have your kids unplug. But there are also many apps and learning tools that can support education and even enhance learning, such as learning a language. Many of these tools include games and can take time out of the day on something your kids love – screens. But make sure they also know when to turn them off.

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