The ease of SupportPay is something that we pride ourselves on. Child Support Orders and SupportPay want this system to be simple to use and create a chaos-free shared child support tool. SupportPay will store all of your documents so that you don’t have to go searching for them. Of the utmost importance are the support orders so that each parent sees what is expected of them.
Support orders can be added at any time. If there are changes made to the orders throughout the years, or if something changes because life happens, then new support orders can be added. The Account Management tools in SupportPay are easy to use and will walk you through the process. You will always add your support orders by case number so they are quick to reference. You also select what type of support it relates to (for example – child care, alimony, medical, etc), and which child it is referring to.
Support orders that are Shared, Recurring, or Fixed Amounts can be added separately. Â Under Account Management, you will choose the type of order that it is. You will select whether you are the sender or receiver, and input the amounts. If it is Recurring, you will be able to select the frequency that it occurs, and when exactly the next payment is to be made. If it is a Shared order, then you will select your share, and their share, which will equal 100%.
Once the orders are in place in SupportPay, each party will see those shared or recurring expenses appear in their account. You will see what is due, what your share is, when it is expected, and even get an email reminder if needed. Each amount that is due will show what it is for. This way you can be sure that you are taking care of those recurring expenses, and you will have record that you have paid them. Easy to use and imperative for record keeping, this tool will save your sanity in the midst of your busy life!