

Behind on Child Support? Get Financially Fit

We’re halfway through 2016 now – and its time to take a good hard look at your finances. This means take out those receipts, your subscriptions, and the bills, and put your fingers to the keys and bust out the … Read More

A Better Way to Manage Child Support Payments

If you’re a parent who has gone through a divorce, you know that childcare is often made harder. You have to find ways to balance time with your children, find time for yourself, and most importantly, manage your finances. Financial … Read More

The One Thing That Will Make Child Support Easier

Crying kids. Stacks of bills. Not knowing what to make for dinner. A never ending work schedule. Sound like your life? You’re not alone. Millions of Americans are in the same boat, working to feed their families and maintain a … Read More

Going Through A Divorce? Here’s How to Make it Easier

Divorce is never easy. Even for the couples that are both understanding of the fact that it may be the best decision, there are dozens of factors that make it difficult for any couple. Not to mention that very often, … Read More

How to Save Money On A Divorce

It goes without saying that too often a divorce can be bitter, messy affairs. You can see the images in your mind already – shouting ex wives, husbands slamming doors, lawyers at each other’s throats on the phone. And divorce … Read More

child support

What Do You Do When the Child Support Legal System Screws Up?

We’ve all been there – when we make a mistake with the government, or miss a payment, or are late following up on legal documents, the state makes sure that we pay for it. There are fines, fees, penalties, wage … Read More

Why Tracking Child Support Is So Important?

If you follow the latest on child support news like we do, you may have come upon a recent story about Mississippi child support. Calvin McDonald Jr and Dionne McDonald, who live in New Mexico received a letter from Mississippi’s Department of Human … Read More

Why Child Support Should Be About More Than Just Money

After a divorce, child support can be a conflict-ridden process. It’s not uncommon that once loving, kind spouses turn hostile and seek to get everything they can from the deal, ripping their relationship apart. So typically, parents drift away and … Read More

Why Pay Your Child Support On Time,learn about the reasons

It probably goes without saying that there are consequences to not paying child support – and none of them are fun. All across the country law enforcement is cracking down on parents who are not paying their child support payments. … Read More

How Alimony and Child Support Affect Your Taxes

If you haven’t started doing your taxes yet, you’re running out of time to gather the necessary paperwork to meet this year’s April 15 filing deadline. And while many people believe filing taxes just means telling the IRS how much … Read More


Are You Paying For That?

There are two sides to every coin, and the co-parenting coin is a tough one to flip. Splitting up is hard enough without having to decide who pays for what. One parent is usually the paying parent, giving money to … Read More

Top 4 Things You Missed When Calculating Child Support

Top 4 Things You Missed When Calculating Child Support

When it comes to getting divorced or ending a relationship with the parent of your child there is a lot going on. From getting used to a new living situation to dividing assets most of the time, energy and effort goes … Read More

Top 4 Things You Missed When Calculating Child Support

How To Calculate Child Support

Every state is different. Depending on where you live there are different regulations for child support. How do you know where to start when trying to calculate child support?  Regardless of which state you live in, there are some general … Read More

How to Keep Good Child Support Records

Everything costs money! I remember when my mom used to tell me that money doesn’t grow on trees. Now I know why I heard that all the time. I feel like saying that to my own child (ok, maybe I … Read More

Easiest Way to Pay Child Support

Everything costs money! I remember when my mom used to tell me that money doesn’t grow on trees. Now I know why I heard that all the time. I feel like saying that to my own child (ok, maybe I … Read More