

Medical Expenses

Guess Who Gets Medical Reimbursement? Probably not you!

Medical Reimbursement 101 Several months ago, I was searching for a counselor for my 15-year-old daughter. She was about to have significant back surgery and was having a lot of anxiety about it. I knew I didn’t have the skills … Read More


How to Plan a Family Vacation You Can Afford?

Single Parent Travel: How to Plan a Family Vacation You Can Afford Vacationing isn’t cheap. Vacationing as a single parent living on one income with a gaggle of kids can feel downright impossible. However, while you might not be able … Read More

8 Financial Challenges of Parenthood

8 Financial Challenges to be Parents that you need to know Be parents is a rewarding and worthwhile duty. Nonetheless, it is very challenging and, most often, a pocket-draining undertaking. This is since your children will have several needs that … Read More


How Parents Can Plan for the Future by Focusing on Today

How Parents Can Plan for the Future by Focusing on Today Parents have an idea about how you want your child’s life to play out. First, they will have all of the most adorable baby items. As they grow, they’ll … Read More

How to Deal with the Child’s Medical Expenses.

This article was contributed by: Lidia Staron – Content Writer Lidia Staron has been working as a writer, editor and literary coach for 5 years. She contributes articles about the role of finance in the strategic-planning and decision-making process. You … Read More

Must-Known Tips for Paying your Kids College Expenses

Must-Known Tips for Paying your Kids College Expenses If paying your kid’s college expenses is a step you want to take, the next things to figure out is how to make it happen. Your kid’s expenses can include a choice of school, … Read More

Ways to Save Money after the Divorce

Ways to Save Money after the Divorce Getting divorced is expensive. After the long, stressful, and costly process – you’re about to begin a new chapter in your life. Here’s how you can recover financially and save money after your … Read More

The One Thing That Will Make Child Support Easier

Crying kids. Stacks of bills. Not knowing what to make for dinner. A never-ending work schedule. Sound like your life? You’re not alone. Millions of Americans are in the same boat, working to feed their families and maintain a healthy … Read More

Child Support & the Government Shutdown

With the government shutdown now being the longest in history we are getting a lot of questions regarding the government shutdown and child support. There is a lot of talk about federal employees not being paid but very little mention … Read More


How A Single Mom Can Make Managing Child Support Easier

Single working moms have one of the hardest jobs in the world. They work long hours, have to make sure kids eat their vegetables, and get to school on time and finish their homework. Not to mention the stresses of … Read More

child support

Child Support Increases May Be Coming

Over the last decade, there has been a deadlock in congress on raising the child support payment cap. Today, however, the House Judiciary Committee voted on a 4% increase in child support payments – which would be the first such increase in … Read More

How Does SupportPay Work – And How Can It Make My Life Easier?

Life can be stressful – let’s just state the obvious. Add in children? Stress level 11. Sheri Atwood, the founder of SupportPay, was looking for a way to help her manage child support payments and everything related to the child support … Read More

The New Ways States Are Collecting Child Support

As millions and millions of dollars go uncollected in support payments, states are getting craftier about the ways in which they are going about collecting child support. Take Texas, for example. Just recently Texas changed the law to tie child support payments to … Read More

How to Avoid Child Support Penalties

Millions of dollars are not paid in back child support every year. Unfortunately, this money is kept from children who in some cases desperately need it. But there are many reasons why child support that is owed is not paid … Read More

We Help Parents Raise Children Together – Even When Separated

A bitter divorce – it’s unfortunate, but it happens. And it happens even when we don’t plan on it. SupportPay’s founder, Sheri Atwood, is a child of a bitter divorce. She understands from firsthand experience how trying bitter divorces can … Read More