
SupportPay and Tax Season


Well, it is tax season and SupportPay can help you with. That lovely time of year when you try to remember where you put all that important mail that has been coming in for a few months now. Maybe you have a file, maybe you have a stack on the corner of your counter. It’s possible that you have a few documents lying around wherever you tend to throw your unopened mail…between the seats in the car, the infamous bag “to go through and file”, on top of your dresser, or even in the dirty clothes (is that just me?). All I know is that when the deadline to get my tax stuff together is fast approaching, I can rarely find all that I need in that place where I think I put it.

Don’t get me started on getting the necessary paperwork and documents from my ex regarding any childcare or child related expenses. Does the IRS really need this receipt or this form? If I can’t find where I put my own stuff, it is for sure that I won’t be able to get my ex to get me anything necessary on time. Enter more stress from this relationship that I was trying to get away from.

With all of the confusion related to taxes, and even more so when dealing with divorce and children, wouldn’t it be nice if there was a safe place to keep all of the documentation where I would know where to find it?

SupportPay and tax season, the safe and easy way to share child expenses online. This FREE platform allows you to store any and all documentation related to childcare expenses. Store your legal documents, receipts, support agreements, tax documents, and payment transactions all in one place. Access these documents anytime from your home computer or your mobile device. You can show your tax preparer everything in one place. No more searching or wondering about that one document. When you receive it, snap a photo or scan it and store it in SupportPay. Then it won’t matter where you put that piece of paper, and you won’t need to stress when the dog eats it or when it gets shoved into the trash compactor.

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