There’s no question that it’s important to keep track of child support payments you’re receiving (or paying). One of the things I’ve always liked the very least about being divorced is keeping track of the child support I’ve received from my ex. When we were first divorced, I felt like I was constantly nagging him and playing bill collector. I tried to keep good records using a spreadsheet, but at the end of the day, there was just too much to keep straight.
Child support record keeping is much more intensive than just tracking predetermined monthly payments though… And that’s exactly why I created SupportPay. I needed a system that would help me do it all. And once I started creating it, I realized that there were much more divorced parents who could benefit from such a system. Here are the main features that SupportPay does better than anybody else:
1. SupportPay calculates each parent’s expenses based on your support orders and agreements and automates the payment process for you. You can even set up automatic payments.
2. SupportPay allows the custodial parent to upload receipts for “extra” expenses that should be shared and request reimbursement directly through the site. The other parent can even pay their portion directly through SupportPay.

3. SupportPay aggregates all the information about payments into one place, making it easy for parents to keep track of everything. You can even print reports for personal use or in cases of arbitration or court dates.
4. Right now, you can sign up for SupportPay for FREE. Register for a new account today