
How to De-Stress With Child Support

Think about all of the good habits in your life…brushing your teeth, exercising, balancing your checkbook, eating healthy, working hard, putting things away after using them. Good habits are things that help make our lives easier. They keep us clean, organized, and well balanced. Establishing good habits can bring life and freedom to an area of chaos. Stress is relieved when we build healthy routines. I would like to help you de-stress with  child support. So here are some tips on how to de-stress with Child Support.

Its no wonder that such a good thing take time. It does take effort to build good routines and habits. Have you heard it said that it takes 21 days to build a habit? If you do something for 3 consecutive weeks, or 21 consecutive days, that is a good amount of time to get it to stick. Committing to something for a month gives you a great jump on creating a new habit in your life.

Two of the most stressful areas for divorced parents have to be child support and record keeping. If you don’t keep good records, you may not even be able to tell how much the other parent gave you one month. Do you know what your total expenses are each month for your child? Do you know how much you spent beyond what the child support order amount is? Do you keep receipts of everything? Where do you store them? Are you organized? I can feel the tension rising as you read through these questions and don’t have answers for them.

SupportPay was developed for you! Using SupportPay will be the best good habit you can establish to keep track of everything related to child support. You can keep all your records and documents in one place. Upload them and you will always know where they are. You can track all expenses in detail using our expense tracker and each parent can see what they need to pay. See all payments made by each parent easily. Get your monthly totals of bills and payments. This is the best record keeping system you could ask for. It even shares all the info with your ex so you don’t have to. The two most stressful areas, child support and record keeping, taken care of. Register here now.

Not only is using SupportPay a great habit to build for your own sanity, but it is crucial to have good record keeping to be able to have what you need for court, or for taxes. Take this next month to establish a good habit and sign up. You will be so glad you did, and life will be a little less stressful and a little more free, to be able to enjoy spending it with your kids.

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