
How to Avoid Child Support Penalties

Father and son sitting at dining room table working on wireless laptop computer.

Millions of dollars are not paid in back child support every year. Unfortunately, this money is kept from children who in some cases desperately need it. But there are many reasons why child support that is owed is not paid – and not all of them have to do with deadbeat dads or parents refusing to pay. But if you don’t pay, there are going to be child support penalties – and they can be costly.

For those who have come here wondering how to avoid child support penalties, there really is only one way – pay your back child support, and pay it on time. You don’t want the worst case scenario – jail time – to happen if you don’t pay. And neither do we. The truth is that you will be caught eventually, only when you are, you will owe a lot more than you initially agreed to in court orders.

That is why there is SupportPay – to help you manage and track your child support payments and avoid the penalties. With our newest offering – SupportPay 4.0, you are getting the very best our product has to offer. By signing up now for a low rate, you get:

  • Quick registration
  • Recurring expenses
  • Track expense history
  •  Document storage
  •  Court-ordered calculation
  • Notifications and reminders
  • Detailed calendar schedules
  • And more

SupportPay will ensure that you are paying on time, and have a record to track it. Again, this may come in handy should there be some mix up at the county level. We’ve seen this happen often. For a very low fee, your child support payments will now be a peace of mind because you are tracking them properly. And those child support penalties? You won’t have to face them – because you’re always on time.

Register for SupportPay today at our lowest rate possible, and get to making sure your money doesn’t go to wasted fees.

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