
A Brief Overview of Child Support Laws

Laws for Child Support

It may come as a surprise to many, but child support laws are not a new phenomenon in the United States. Since the very founding of our nation, child support laws were baked into constitutional and colonial laws. It was and remains a crime to desert one’s family, or to leave a child destitute under the law. However, while these laws existed in one form or another, the 1950s mark a moment when state and federal governments began to pay more attention to child and family welfare, beginning to earnestly understand and approach the issue as one requiring full attention of governing bodies. As the divorce rate increased, so too did the number of laws and their frequency. Some of the more recent and high impact child support laws include:

  • State Welfare Enforcement Act of 1950
  • Amendments to Social Security Act of 1965
  • Child Support Collection Act of 1975, commonly known as Title IV-D of the Social Security Act
  • Child Support Enforcement Amendments of 1988
  • Child Support Recovery Act (CSRA) of 1992.
  • Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996.

We at SupportPay applaud the continued work that the government does for child support laws. But for all the work that’s been done, there are still millions and millions of families who struggle with their child support payments. Laws are just the first step. This is why we have decided to take action on child support. Billions of dollars a year world-wide are transacted, but there is no clear and consistent way to track these payments. Most recently, Texas discovered that it may have to spend an extra hundred million dollars to streamline their child support payments process. So it isn’t just child support laws that need fixing – it’s the entire infrastructure.

Our software system is a means of developing the infrastructure to support families. With SupportPay, all your transactions are tracked and logged. And you can continue to do this all without the need to contact the other parent. We’ve found that our users are discovering a new and better way to manage their child support – one that doesn’t need to involve the timely and confusing process that’s offered via the state governments.

We understand that this is a conflict ridden process, and SupportPay will continue to be on the side of families and children, and will continue to work with our legislators to make sure that all families are taken care of, and that laws are created to protect our children.

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