
5 Life Hacks for Co-Parents

Co-Parents - young parents

Technology is everywhere – and let’s face it, we use it for practically everything. Even those of us who have tried to cut the cord have gotten to the point where we can’t live without our devices or the Internet. If you’re co-parents, you probably need life hacks more than the rest. Here are 5 life hacks for the divorced parent you’ll be glad you have.

  1. Transfer Funds & Expenses with SupportPay – For parents paying child support and managing payments, or for those looking looking to share parenting expenses with one another, SupportPay is the premiere app that will help you get your finances in order. The latest version, SupportPay 4.0, now has increased offerings including legal services, additional document tracking, and more. Sign up today.
  2. Get a Shared Calendar – Something like Google Calendar is simple, easy, and can be shared across multiple email addresses and accounts. By getting a shared calendar together, you will eliminate planning errors and unforeseen conflicts – and simply be more on top of your schedule.
  3. Stay Positive and Be Helpful – Remember, if the other parent is a part of your children’s lives, then be sure to remain positive. This helps for both long term and short term parenting goals. It may not always be easy, but parents who share kind words about their ex find their relationships to be stronger and their parenting duties easier.
  4. FaceTime and other video apps – Sometimes, just allowing time to chat with your children over the screen is enough to make their day better. You or your ex can’t always be physically present in your children’s lives, so make time for FaceTime. You can share everything from the latest art project to a simple bedtime story. And the added facetime you get with your child can’t be overlooked.
  5. Chores – Children still need to learn discipline and how to help around the house. And the busy divorced or single parent is going to need all the extra time they could get. No need to go overboard on the chores, but delegating out to yur children while teaching them responsibilities is a good way to maintain balance and make the lives of you and your ex easier. And it’s a great way to be great co-parents.

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