
The real cost of divorce is time

We talk about this a lot around here. how much time and energy people spend getting a divorce! Did you know that over the course of disputing with your spouse regarding finances and child support you lose, on average, 80 days off your life? No wonder you are tired! Not only does it take a toll on your health, but it takes a lot of time and energy to figure out the details of who will pay for what, and when, regarding each of your children.

There are an estimated 298 million parents living apart across the globe today. Between those parents, over 990 BILLION dollars is exchanged in order to support and care for the needs of the children involved. That is a lot of money going around and someone has to figure out where and when it needs to go.


SupportPay has you covered. It will take all of your court documents and figure out who needs to pay what and when. It will calculate each parent’s portion of an expense and send a notification to them. It can “bill” a parent when there is a need. It does all of this for FREE and it is the ONLY system out there that is working for you in this manner. This is what you need to stay on top of the myriad of decisions, payments, unknowns, calculations, and money transfer going on.

In 2011, over five billion dollars was spent on administrative expenses to enforce child support. Normally there has to be a state or government agency involved in making sure each parent pays what they are supposed to pay. That is a lot of paperwork for someone (not to mention someone who really doesn’t care about your situation apart from the other people they are managing) and its easy to lose track of what each party is supposed to be doing, or what they have done so far. SupportPay solves this problem and leaves the agencies out of it. No paying for someone else to manage your child support and track it. How about you save yourself a lot of time and money, and enroll in SupportPay today? It is FREE and could add up to 80 possible days back onto your life! What a great way to start the new year for your family!


  1. Catherine MacWillie

    Question, the 5 billion dollars spent on administrative expenses to enforce child support you reference I assume that is globally or domestically in the US only? And what is your reference used to determine this cost?

  2. Sheri Atwood

    Its actually closer to $6 Billion and that is in the US alone. This is what is spent between the Federal government – Office of Child Support Enforcement ($3.3B) and the states ($2.2B) You can find all the information in the 2013 Office of Child Support Enforcement Report: and the detailed financial figures here: Scroll down to “Total Administrative Expenditures” to see the amount spent in 2013.

    UPDATE: links have been updated to show the annual report and expense report

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