
Information on the Child Support Process

The child support process can be confusing, frustrating and maddening – but it doesn’t have to be. We here at SupportPay can help. We understand that the entire process around child custody and child support can be stressful. That’s why we’d like to help clarify for you and give you information on how to manage the child support process.

So, here’s how the child support process works:

Step 1: Establish Paternity

This one is very important, but not always 100% necessary depending on the circumstances. In most cases, determining legal paternity is a must should there be any resistance from the father, and should the father be the one to owe child support. The state can arrange for testing should doubt arise on the father’s side. It’s important that this be cleared early, because it will make the child support process easier going forward.

Step 2: A Child Support Order

Each state’s child support laws are unique, but each has guidelines that must be followed, such as how much a parent should contribute as a portion of their income to supporting his or her child. The child support offices, a mediator, and other legal counsel will be your best bets to establishing a child support order. They will set up the amounts owed as well. All of this must of course be handled by the courts before it is made official.

Step 3: Collecting Child Support and Enforcing the Order

Many individuals would prefer to have wages garnished as a direct withholding from the parent responsible for paying child support. But the child support process is not always this simple, and many opt out of this. Even so, this is why we at SupportPay developed our platform. Collecting and tracking these payments is a headache for everyone involved. Even if wages are garnished, and you are the parent responsible, there isn’t a simple way to track the payments. But with SupportPay, you can put all payments into the system, maintain a regular payment, and continue to track throughout the years. It’s a system that is effective at making sure that payments are made, and that no disputes occur.

What Else Should I Know?

There is much more you would need to know to make sure you fully understand the child support process. For that, we recommend contacting our family law network, who can help you with specific questions, concerns, and legal advice with regards to your child support case.

Again, we’re here to help. And if you’re looking to begin your child support process today, try our SupportPay for free.


  1. frederick velez

    i need to know how to get a courtdate to have my childsupport arers droped

  2. Christina Staggs

    I need to know how to go about getting a copy of child support orders that have been dropped but accrued an owing amount of over $4000.00.

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