
Family Resources to Manage Divorce Expenses


Sharing custody and making sure your divorce expenses of are in order requires communication and organization: about schedules, about finances, about everything!

Luckily, for today’s co-parents, there are several family resources available to help. Taking advantage of these resources will make life easier…for you, for your ex, and most importantly, for your children.


Sharing a Google calendar is one option for communication, but the following suggestions also allow you to track finances and documents in addition to schedules.

  • SupportPay—this website is a one-stop-shop for all your child support and co-parenting needs. You can track your divorce expenses, find resources specific to your state, get helpful blog articles, and even join a community message board.
  • WeParent—this app allows you to easily share calendars with your co-parent, keeping each other informed of the kids’ school events, doctors’ appointments, and even chores and grocery lists.

These family resources are meant for you – and they will serve you well.

Organizational Tools

In addition to information, co-parents also have to share a lot of stuff—clothing, school supplies, sports equipment, instruments, and so much more. A good organization strategy will help everyone feel calm, and ensure nothing gets lost or forgotten.

  • A car kid kit—this box or bag can stay in your car, and have essentials that your child will always need, but might forget in their trips between parents’ houses. It could include extra socks or underwear, school supplies, lunch money, or medication. When you use something out of the kid kit, replace it immediately so you don’t forget.
  • A file organizer—each parent should have a file for their child(ren) that includes copies of important documents such as birth certificates, social security cards, and insurance information.
  • A calendar—having a large wall calendar at each parents’ house can help ease anxiety (for both children and adults) about when and where they’re going to be at any given time during the month.
  • Clothing labels—to prevent conflict over children’s clothing, sew-in or iron-on labels in their clothing might be a good investment. That way you can easily identify “mom’s” clothes vs. “dad’s” clothes.

Family resources can be very helpful to the whole process. Putting in the time to set up a communication and organization system will make life easier and less stressful for both co-parents and their children. Divorce expenses will be tracked and paid, and your children will benefit from getting everything they need while minimizing the stress you have to keep it this way.

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