
Child Support Awareness Month

Child Support Awareness month

August in National Child Support Awareness Month. It’s a national initiative to help inform families about child support and the services that are available to help them. Studies have shown time and time again that when both parents are actively involved in raising kids, the kids are so much better off. This holds true especially for kids of divorced parents.

The State of California offers many child support program services, including locating a parent, establishing paternity, handling court orders for child support, and handling orders for health insurance coverage. While SupportPay is not a child support order or agreement, it is a system designed to help divorced parents track and pay their child support directly.

Many times the non-custodial parent will stop making child support payments because he/she believes that the custodial parent is using the money for themselves and not the children. Child Support Awareness Month is designed to help fight that misconception. The states use education programs to help divorced parents understand exactly what their financial responsibilities are as well as why they are paying child support.

SupportPay is a great tool to help with this. Using SupportPay, the custodial parent can track all of their shared expenses. You can even upload receipts as proof of expense. You can then choose which receipts to share and which to keep private. It’s a great way to communicate about shared expenses for child support purposes… without even having a conversation.

SupportPay makes it easy to share expenses, understand where the child support money is being spent, and avoid missed payments due to miscommunications. There’s even a great feature that allows you to dispute expenses and keep track of that dispute so that you can hand the information over to your lawyer or mediator. All of these features make it easy for ex spouses to maintain cordial relationships that focus on the kids instead of money disagreements.

For more information on how SupportPay can help you, check out all the features here.

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